A CA Certificate

In order to use this option you will have to get a certificate from a known Certificate Authority (CA). Some CA examples are GoDaddy, VeriSign, Thawte, GeoTrust and Network Solutions.

The CA will ask you for a 'Certificate request'. Create one following the next steps:

  • Go to the Thinfinity® Configuration Manager's 'General'' tab. Click on 'Edit' on an HTTPS connection.

  • Click on 'New' and , press the 'Create a self-signed certificate' button.

  • Fill in the form below with your organization data:

  • The 'Common Name' field should be filled with the server+domain that will be used to access Thinfinity® Remote Workspace (rdp.mycompany.com)

  • Press 'Create' and the application will generate two files.

  • The first window will ask you a location to keep the private key file: 'Where do you want the private key file to be stored'.

  1. Inform a name for your private key.

  2. Select a place to keep it safe.

  3. Press the 'Save' button.

  • The second window will ask you a location to keep the request file: 'Where do you want the request file to be stored.'

  1. Inform a name for the request file.

  2. Select a directory where you can find the file later on to send to the CA.

  3. Press the 'Save' button.

  • The first file is the certificate private key. It should always be kept safe with you.

  • Send only the request file to the CA.

After the CA validation process, place the certificate they sent to you on Thinfinity® Remote Workspace cert directory and inform the path to the files on Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Manage Certificate option (Certificate file, CA file and Private Key).

Last updated