
ID: Name/ID of the Deployment(s)

Description: Description of the Deployments.

Provider: Cloud provider of the Deployment.

Actions: Here you can edit or delete the Deployment.

Adding Deployments

ID: Input a name/ID for the Deployment.

Description: Input a description for the Deployment.

Credential: Select the credentials from the combo box (App Registration)

Template: Select a template from the combo box.

Group: Input Azure's Resource Group for these VMs

-Append Location to Group: Check this box if you wish to append the location to the Resource Group.

Locations: Select the Region.


-Key: Search for a key paramenter (for instance, adminPassword, adminUsername, etc)

-Value: Input the value for the Key.

Instancing Modes:

-On Demand: Select this option to create create/start the VMs on-demand.

-Scheduled: Select this option to create/Start the VMs based on a Schedule

Stop After Disconnect: Input the number (minutes) it will take to deallocate the VM after disconnecting.

Estimated Provisioning Time:

Pool Mode:

-None: If selected, pool mode won't be used.

-Breadth First: Will evenly distribute user sessions across the session hosts in a broker pool.

-Depth First: Will saturate a session host with user sessions in a broker pool.

Connection Mode:

-Public IP: Select this option to connect to a VM through its external IP.

-Private IP: Select this option to connect to a VM through its internal IP.

-Agent IP: Select this option to connect to a VM using the remote ID of the Agent.

Last updated