Editing a Web Folder Access Profile

Configuring a Web Folder Access Profile properly will allow you to take advantage of all its features and create an access scheme that would suit your company's needs best.

Remember that each profile defines a single computer's desktop or application access, except for the '[+]' profile that gives access to all computers.

  • Go to Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Configuration Manager's 'Access Profiles' tab.

  • Press 'Edit' to configure the profile and the following window will be presented:

  • First of all, type in a descriptive name for the profile in the 'Name' field.

  • Specify the computer this profile will connect to, be it the 'Local server' where this app is installed, or specify the 'Server URL' of the server which contains the folder you wish to share. You would then need to point to the 'Root Path' of the folder itself.

  • Set the credentials to log into the remote machine:



Use the authenticated credentials

Sets a Single sign-on schema. The application credentials will be used to log in automatically on the remote desktop.

Ask for new credentials

Prompt the user for new credentials to access the remote desktop.

Use these credentials

If the credentials informed here are correct, this option will connect the user automatically to the remote desktop on selecting the profile, or after authenticating on Thinfinity® Remote Workspace, if this is the only profile the user has.

  • Go to the 'Permissions' tab and set up the permission preferences as follow:



Allow anonymous access

Use this option, if you want this profile to be available for everyone. This means that everybody accessing Thinfinity® Remote Workspace will see this profile. Checking this option will disable the user.

Group or users access

To use specific users for this profile, uncheck "Allow anonymous access", press "Add" and choose the users and groups from the local domain.

This means that only users that authenticate with their correct Windows username and password will be able to use this profile. (*)

(*) Thinfinity® Remote Workspace supports a user changing the password at his next logon within the Thinfinity® Remote Workspace web interface. Make sure to uncheck the 'Use standard browser authentication dialog' to enable this option.

  • When you are done, press 'Ok'.

Last updated