Configure OAuth with Auth0

This tutorial will show you how to enable 2FA using Auth0 with Thinfinity® Remote Workspace.

Auth0 Guardian mobile application is required for 2FA.

  • Create a new application on Auth0’s administrator site, and chose 'Single Page Web Application':

  • Copy your 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret':

  • In the 'Allowed Callback URLs', you need to add the URL that you are going to use to authenticate, and the VirtualPath of the Authentication Method (OAuth by default):

  • To enable 2FA , click on the 'Multifactor Auth' and enable 'Push Notifications':

  • Open the Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Configuration Manager, navigate to the 'Authentication' tab, press 'Add' -> 'OAuth2.0' -> 'Other':

  • Add the following information:

This information can be verified in the 'Endpoints' tab under Advanced Settings in the Application you created on Auth0’s interface:

Click on 'Ok' after you entered the information.

  • Click on the 'Mappings' tab and then press 'Add' under the Authentication ID Mask:

  • Add the email address of the Auth0 user you want to validate and press 'Ok'

  • Then, under the 'Associated Permissions' field, press on the 'Add' button and search for the Active Directory User

  • After you add the appropriate mappings, click on the 'Apply' button.

  • Navigate to the Thinfinity® Remote Workspace landing page, and you should see the 'Sign in with OAuth' option listed as an Authentication Method:

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